SVG Filters - Skeleton

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SVG Filters

Apply filter effects to elements and images.

How It Works

This feature is enabled by SVG filters paired with feColorMatrix transformations.


Apply a filter to any element using the Filter style property and passing the unique SVG Filter ID.

<!-- The Target Element -->
<img ... style="filter: url(#Apollo)" />
<!-- Via aribtrary Tailwind syntax -->
<Avatar classes="[filter:url(#Apollo)]" />
<!-- The SVG Filter with a matching unique ID -->
<svg><filter id="Apollo">...</filter></svg>

We’ve provided a curated collection of SVG Filters to choose from below.

full-0 #Apollo
full-1 #BlueNight
full-2 #Emerald
full-3 #GreenFall
full-4 #Noir
full-5 #NoirLight
full-6 #Rustic
full-7 #Summer
full-8 #XPro

Create a Filter

We recommend SVG Color Matrix Mixer by Rik Schennink to create your own filters.


  • The SVG must be in the same scope as the elements you wish to filter. Global scope is acceptable.
  • Consder storing your SVGs within your local project for quick and reusable imports.
  • All Vite-based frameworks support SVG imports.
  • Optionally you can embed the SVG within a imported component (ex: Apollo.svelte, Apollo.tsx).
  • Filter SVGs are affected by the flow DOM, including class styles such as space-{x|y}.